Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Get Me A Beast!

Oh my, what a week! Brace yourselves, this one is going to be a long one.

Tuesdays I finish class around 11:15am, and usually have nothing to do, but I have now discovered that Miss Heidi does not have class on Tuesdays, making it an ideal day to get together.
Last Tuesday we headed over to the free Argentine Museum of Art, where tons of artists are featured and are mostly Argentinean. Now, let me just tell you that this place is particularly huge, and almost impossible to do all in one day. So Heidi and I stuck mainly to the main floor
where there is an overwhelming and dominant theme: Mary and Jesus. Yup. I spent an afternoon with Jesus and his family, seeing how he was portrayed according to each artist. It was actually interesting, and in some cases, beautiful.

Wednesday brought a day of frustration and misery. Why? Because I had to do what most of us fear: a visit to a state building to ask for criminal background. Now, we all know that any type of transaction like this is awful and long in the U.S., but Argentina seems to be able to achieve a whole new level of frustration when it comes to handling these types of activities. They not only make you stand in line OUTSIDE on the curb, but once inside, it is a miserable 2-hour wait to
even TALK to someone. And once you have completed what you needed to do, you have to come back a week later to pick it up only to stand in line in the freezing cold once again, and wait
for your name to called. Wonderful? I think so (not!).
I arrived at 11:00am, and left at 2:00pm. Argentina, you really out-did yourself.

After my terrible morning at the Argentine Police Department, I met my uncle Gabriel for lunch. Mi tio, being a lawyer, works about a block and a half away from the Police Department, so we met at one of the most delicious and beautiful restaurants in the area. I have to pre-phase this but saying that the area in which all the "legal" stuff is found, is architecturally gorgeous. A lot of thought and love went into the building of these grand masterpieces.
We met for lunch and decided to talk about the upcoming weekend, since he informed me that it
was my step-grandmother's birthday last Sunday.

Friday was a chill day, until the night time of course. Katie, Becca and I grabbed some very awful chinese food, and later met up with Heidi and Po at the famous Club Serrano, located off of Plaza Serrano. They were hosting a Study Abroad Fall 2010 kickoff event, so obviously we all fit right in. It was a very cute place with an outdoor terrace, where heaters filled up the place, but they did not help much. We were all freezing and once the alcohol wore off, we could barely stand it. We ended up leaving at around 2:30am, but it was still a good time.

Saturday was one of my laziest days so far. I met up with Po and Heidi at a little cafe near Plaza Italia, since Po was picking up the tickets for a very special event the next day. We chatted and gossiped, and later went into this beautiful little clothing shop right across the way. We have to come back and buy these gorgeous dresses that were there for the equivalent of $17 USD.
Later, my tios abuelos (great uncle and aunt) treated me to dinner at a restaurant nearby, where I enjoyed the most delicious chicken breast and fries and an awesome fruit salad for dessert which came packed with its own Argentinean flag! (so cute).

Sunday was a very magical day. It was Beauty and the Beast on Broadway day! For the equivalent of $13 USD the girls and I all bought tickets to the show, and we enjoyed it as much as
the little kids in the audience. The play was really well done and the actors were funny and convincing. I would see it again and again if I could. Although it was a little odd to see it in Spanish, it was well worth it and we all enjoyed it.

The show was followed by a trip to the nearest McCafe on Calle Florida, and later I headed home to meet my tio Gabriel.

Gabriel, Maru, the girls and I went to my step-grandmothers birthday dinner at her house. We saw a bunch of family that I probably hadn't seen since I left, and we ate delicious empanadas!! It was really enjoyable, and I even got to see my cousin Ezequiel, who is five now and absolutely adorable. I fell in love with him.
After the birthday dinner, I decided to spend the night at Maru's country club house outside the city, since yesterday was a national holiday! We filled up our day off with tennis classes, more empanadas and familia. My aunt (my mom's and Gabriel's sister) came over with my cousin Gus and Roman and my uncle Sergio. It was great having the whole family together again, especially since we were all enjoying the spring-like weather and some really good food. Maru's house is gorgeous, and I wish I could have stayed there longer. I didn't get home last night until about 11:30pm.

This week is my first real school week since I arrived. My new schedule is as follows:
Monday: Espanol Advanzado- 10:00-11:30am
Tuesday: Relaciones Publicas- 8:00-11:15am
Wednesday: Espanol Advanzado 10:00-11:30pm, Sociedad y Cultura- 12:00-1:30pm and Relaciones Internacionales- 3:00-6:00pm,
Thursday: Sociedad y Cultura 1:00-2:30pm and Historia de la Cultura y Civilizacion- 3:00-6:00pm
Fridays: FREE!

So not looking forward to it, but I am looking forward to having something to keep me busy...
I am really starting to miss home. Boyfriend, I miss you. Best friends (You know who you are!) I miss you. Dante, Mommy and Daddy.

PS- *photos credit of PoLin So*! Love you chica.

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